Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Thank Heaven for Faeries

Life for the average parent seems to be a series of unexpected events. At least it is at our house. Some big, some small, all unexpected. So it was that on a recent evening, when I was the sole child watcher / video gamer, with the primary caregiver (Tina) out and about with friends, that one such event occured. Most things take planning but the abruptness of this particular event left me little or no time for such planning.

As the kids were just finishing up their evening baths and climbing into bed for the evening, Mason approached, held out a beautiful specimen of a human molar and said, "Dad, I forgot to tell you. I pulled another tooth! I cleaned it with my toothbrush." That said, he kissed me good night and headed up to bed where he gently placed his trophy under his pillow. It seemed the Tooth Faerie would forget about it until the very last minute when, just before climbing into bed herself, remembered and paid Mason a visit. He is now the proud owner of a perfectly curmbled and only slightly over-used one dollar bill.

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